Regardless of your job, email can be an overwhelming task to deal with every day. In fact most people find that this is the one place that they fall short, in trying to keep up with all the emails they must sort through, the spam they get and must delete and all the mails that must go out on a daily basis. If there is one thing that most people that must use email in their jobs could wish for it would be help to tame their email box. Personal assistants may not be something that you think you can have access to, but at Ask Sunday anyone can hire a personal assistant.
Personal assistants can help you with both your incoming and outgoing mail, have them answer your client emails, send out weekly emails to clients or those that you hope will become clients. Have your personal assistant clean out your spam box and take care of other emails per your instructions. At Ask Sunday you can get the help you need for a price you can afford, try out our services for 3 hours to see if they meet your needs for free.